H.R.S.G. (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) - Escatron (SPAIN): August 2005 - January 2006

Collaboration for the supply of calculations and checks of two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (H.R.S.G.) to be erected at the Escatron power plant (Spain). The HRSG consists of a box shaped steel superstructure with dimensions in plan of 11,8x36,0m and height above ground of approximately 29,0m. The casing panels are formed by 6mm to 8mm thick steel plate strengthened by welded stiffeners. The steel superstructure is made by 10 transversal frames connected by longitudinal roof and side girders. The stability against the horizontal loads (wind and seismic actions) is provided by portal frames in the transversal direction and by casing plates in the lognitudinal one.
The load analysis and checks have been carried out according to the following codes:
  • Norma Basica de la Edification: NBE AE-88;

  • Norma Basica de la Edification: NBE EA-95;

  • Norma de costruccion sismorresistente: Parte general y edificaion: NCSE -02;

  • Eurocode 1 part 1-1;

  • Eurocode 3 part 1-1.